Harry Whittaker’s book The Last Days, first published in 1967 and reprinted in 1969, has now been reprinted on Amazon. It is available to order as a Kindle e-book or as a printed softback book.

The book can be found on Amazon’s UK site or on the Amazon.com site as well as on other country versions of the site.

Although written so many years ago, the principles of interpreting end times prophecy have not changed. Therefore the content of this book is as relevant now as it was when first written.

In The Last Days, Harry Whittaker looks at key events revealed in the Bible that lead up to the return of Jesus Christ and the establishment of God’s Kingdom on the earth. The author is well known for his view that Bible prophecy points to an Arab or Islamic coalition attacking and overrunning Israel at the time of the end. This is different to the more traditional Christadelphian view that Russia will be the main protagonist.

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